Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration
Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration

Research Areas

• Accounting
• Banking and finance
• Business information systems
• Chinese business law
• International business
• Management
• Marketing

Contact Person

Dr CHAN Hing Tai, Jimmy
Tel: 2768 6967
E-mail: htchan@hkmu.edu.hk

Staff Member Research Interests

AHLSTROM, David Christopher
BA, MPhil (NYU); MBA (Hawaii); PhD (NYU)

• Strategic management
• Technology and innovation management
• Entrepreneurship 
• Firm and economic growth
• International business
• Individual and group decision making
• Qualitative methods

AKINWANDE Timothy Olugbenga
BSc, MSc (Lagos); PhD (PolyU)

• Affordable housing
• Housing sustainability
• Housing resilience 
• Housing research
• Real estate valuation
• Real estate development

BA, MBA (Calcutta); Master (HKUST); PhD (XIMB)

• Psychological empowerment
• Subjective well-being
• Job satisfaction
• Career satisfaction
• Gender diversity
• Diversity and inclusion practices

CHEN Jie, Jason
BSc (Fudan); MSc (KTH); PhD (LUT)

• International business
• Firm internationalization
• Social entrepreneurship 
• Migrant entrepreneurship 

CHEN Jingzhu

• Financial accounting
• Management accounting
• Banking and finance
• Financial development
• Financial stability

CHEN Yingwei, May
LLM (Sheffield); PhD (CityU of HK)

• Commercial Law
• E-commercial Law & Consumer Protection
• Chinese Civil Law
• Law and Policy

CHIU Weisheng
BSc, MEd (NTNU); PhD (Yonsei)

• Sport management
• Sport marketing
• Consumer behaviour
• Quantitative research

FUNG Kwan Wing, Joseph
HonsDip (HKBC); MA, PhD (Alabama)

• Derivatives markets
• Market microstructure
• Forecasting
• Arbitrage and price dynamics
• Mainland China and Hong Kong market integration
• Hong Kong linked exchange rate system
• Market segmentation
• Initial public offerings
• Algorithmic trading
• Deep learning
• Market regulations
• ESG and green financing

GE Lin 

• Consumer Behaviour 
• Consumer Psychology
• Sensory Marketing 
• Digital Marketing 

HUANG Jieshan, Ava
MCom(Mktg) & MWineBus (UniAde); PhD (UniSA)

• Brand management
• Consumer behavior 
• Wine marketing 
• Luxury branding 


• Economic development
• Inequality
• Poverty
• Economic history

HRANKAI, Richard
BSc (Pannonia); MSc (Edinburgh Napier); PhD (PolyU)

• Consumer behaviour
• Perceived accessibility
• Transport and tourism 
• Choice experiments

JI Li, Jenny
MSc, PhD (CityU of HK)

• B2B marketing channel strategy
• Franchise-related strategy
• Social media marketing

JIMENEZ MORO Eduardo Jesus

• Innovation
• International business
• Business strategy
• China

MBA, MPhil (University of Punjab); PhD (PolyU)

• Innovation management
• Technology strategy
• Innovation ecosystem
• Global value chain
• Organisation structure

MBA (Harbin Institute of Technology); PhD (Lingnan)

• Corporate social responsibility
• Creating shared value
• Social entrepreneurship
• Social innovation
• Responsible leadership
• Organisational learning

KIU Chun Tung, Thomas
BSc (Hons) (SBS); MSc, PhD (DBS)

• Technology in HRM
• Strategic HRM
• Motivation, well-being, trust 
• Artificial intelligence in HRM

KONG Mei Chun, Mimmy
MSc (HKPolyU); EdD (Northeastern Univeristy)

• Mobile Learning
• Pedagogical Innovation
• Technology Acceptance
• IS User Behavior

LEE Joowon, Daniel
BBA (Hons) (Washington); MS (Seoul National);
PhD (George Washington)

• Leadership
• CEO personality traits
• Firm innovation
• Family business

LEE Yee Sum, Louisa
BSc, MPhil (PolyU); PhD (James Cook)

• Cultural heritage tourism
• Service quality
• Tourism in Asia
• Urban tourism

LI Wanyue

• Social influence
• Consumer psychology
• Consumer behavior
• Brand management

LI Ya, Leah
BBA (Hons) (CityU of HK); MSc (Imperial); PhD (HKBU)

• Empirical asset pricing
• Market anomalies
• Investment strategy
• Emerging markets

LIAW Chya Yi, Emily
BBA (NCCU); MS (NUS); MS (GaTech); PhD (UWO)

• International management
• Branding rights allocation
• Entry mode choices
• International hotel franchising

MAK Lui Ming, Barry
BA (HKBU); MSc, PhD (Strath); CHE, CMA

• Sustainable tourism development
• Airline management
• Travel trade management
• Service-learning
• Quality assurance

NG Kong Man, Joey
BBA (Hons) (CityU of HK); MHRM (Monash); PhD (Nottingham)

• Well-being
• Human resource management
• Family business
• Chinese business and management

NYAGA Olive Nelly Muthoni
BSc (Moi); Msc (Sheffield Hallam); PhD (PolyU)

• Strategy management
• Revenue management
• Customer experience management

OH Young Suk
BSc, MSc (Seoul National); PhD (Clemson)

• Corporate social responsibility
• Sport consumer behaviour
• Sport development
• Disability sport

MEng (UOWM); PhD (PolyU)

• Venture capital 
• Entrepreneurship
• Innovation management
• Crowdfunding
• Blockchain

PIGAC, Tilen
BBA , MA (University of Zagreb); PhD (CityU of HK)

• Entrepreneurship 
• Digital innovation
• Digital marketing
• Online marketplaces 

RAZEAI Nafiseh
BA (UMZ); MA (UT); PhD (PolyU); CHE

• Consumer behavior & experience
• Social Psychology in Tourism
• Cross-Cultural Studies
• Accessible tourism
• Risk perception
• Artificial intelligence in HRM

BA (UVM); BSc (ULA); MA (UNAL); PhD (CityU)

• Strategic marketing
• Social marketing
• Strategic management
• Organizational theory
• Sustainability
• Marketing and Social Psychology

SHUM Wai Cheong, Ryan
BBA (Hons); PhD (HKBU)

• Asset pricing models
• Investment analysis and portfolio management
• Emerging stock markets

UGWUANYI, Ijeoma Priscilla
BSc (UNN); PhD (CityU of HK)

• Business and society 
• Digital globalization
• Women in business
• Strategic leadership

VONGVISITSIN Bella Thanakarn
BA (Thammasat); MM (Mahidol); PhD (PolyU)

• Community-based tourism
• Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
• Start-up entrepreneurship

WANG Weichao
MSc, PhD (FGV)

• Banking
• Financial intermediation
• Corporate finance
• Sustainable finance

WU Yixue, Sherry
BSc (NMU); MSc (NJU); PhD (HKU)

• Corporate social responsibility
• International business
• Mergers and acquisitions

XEDE, James

• Performance management 
• Management control systems 
• Incentive design 
• Corporate governance

XIAO Shanyun
BEc, LLB (SCNU); LLM (CUHK); PhD (CityU of HK)

• Empirical legal studies
• Business law
• FinTech regulation
• Artificial intelligence and law

YANG Jinxin, Jason

• Innovation
• Mergers & acquisitions

YEUNG Chi Hei, Matthew
BSc (Hons), MSc (Hertfordshire); PhD (Nottingham)

• Customer satisfaction
• International trade and foreign direct investment
• Corporate social responsibility
• Sustainable development

ZHANG Kaijun, Caden
BSc, MSc (Manchester); PhD (XMU)

• Sensory marketing
• Consumer behavior
• Consumer psychology
• Neuromarketing

Modified Date: 26 June, 2024


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