School of Nursing and Health Sciences
School of Nursing and Health Sciences

Research Areas

• Personalised care
• Gerontechnology

Contact Person

Prof. Gary TSE
Tel: 3970 2942

Staff Member Research Interests

AU Wing Han, Doreen
PhD (University of Toronto); MA, BA(Hons) (McMaster University); mIFPA

• Ageing
• Mental health
• Health economics 
• Environmental psychology
• Integrative medicine and complementary therapies 

CAPIO Catherine Mamaid
PhD Physical Activity and Health (HKU); MSc Ergonomics (LTU, Sweden); BSc Physical Therapy (UPM, Philippines)

• Motor development
• Motor learning
• Neurodevelopmental disorders in children
• Physical activity promotion
• Implementation science

CHAN Wing Nga, Chad
PhD (PolyU); MSc (Sports Medicine and Health Science) (CUHK); BSc(Hons) (Physiotherapy) (PolyU); Diploma (Acupuncture) (SYSU); RPT (HK)

• Disabled-sports physiotherapy and classification
• Exercise for people with physical impairments
• Stroke rehabilitation
• Mind-body exercise
• Dual-tasking performance

CHOI Pin Pin, Sandy
PhD, BScN (Hons) (PolyU); RN (General)

• Community and family nursing
• Gerontological care
• Nursing management
• Qualitative research

CHONG Yin Kei, Doris
PhD (Higher Education) (Lancaster University); DScPT (University of Maryland Baltimore);  MSc (HKU), BScPT (Queen's University); RPT (HK, Canada, USA),
Neurologic Certified Specialist (ABPTS)

• Neurological rehabilitation
• Assessment for learning in higher education
• Physiotherapy teaching and learning

CHOW Ka Man, Ariel
PhD, MPhil, BSc (HKU); Nutritionist (HKNA)

• Regenerative medicine
• Translational studies of pipeline compounds in cancer therapy
• Cancer cell biology

CHU Kai Wah, Samuel
PhD (UCL); PhD (HKU); MLIS, BCom (UBC)

• Gerontechnology
• Intergenerational learning 
• Smart ageing 
• Healthy ageing 
• mHealth
• Health education and promotion 
• Gamified learning 
• AI literacy
• Innovations in pedagogy 
• Assessment for learning in higher education  

KAUR, Baljit
PhD, MSocSc (Gerontology) (HKU); MSc (Nurs) (Oxford Brookes University); 
BScN (Hons); Dip (Cardiovascular
Technology); RN; Simulation Instructor

• Nursing education
• Simulation-based education
• Nurse competence
• Elderly health and care
• Gerontechnology applied in health care
• Racial and diversity
• Ethnic minority health and care
• Health inequality

KWOK Man Ki, Maggie
PhD (HKU); MPhil (CUHK); BSc (CUHK)

• Smart healthy aging and longevity
• Life course epidemiology
• Noncommunicable disease etiology and prevention
• Drug repurposing and discovery
• Digital health interventions (incl. mHealth)

KWOK Tai On, Tyrone
PhD, MPhil, BEng (HKU)

• Gerontechnology
• Smart ageing
• mHealth
• Health promotion

LAI Yuen Kwan, Agnes
PhD, DN (HKU); MSc (Epid & Biostat) (CUHK); BN (HKU); HKFN, RN (HK), RN (USA), RPSGT (USA), CET, CZT

• Sleep
• Physical activity 
• Lung Cancer
• Sleep apnea 
• Personalised care 
• Self-management 
• E-Health and digital intervention 
• Family Well-being 

LAM Ching Yee, Yobie
PhD (PolyU); MPhil (HKU); MNurs (HKU); RN

• Nursing education
• Psychosocial well-being 
• Healthy ageing
• mHealth

LAU Kwok Wai, Way
PhD, MPhil (HKU); BSc (Hons) (HKUST)

• Stress and resilience 
• Psychobiology
• Neurosciences 
• Mindfulness

LAW Pui Sze, Queenie
PhD (EdUHK); MSc (CUHK); PGDE (EdUHK); BSc(Hons) (HKU); BScN(Hons) (PolyU); RN, Registered Nutritionist (UKVRN), FHKAN

• Nursing education
• Nutrition literacy
• Diet modification

LEE Yin King, Linda
PhD (CUHK); MA (London); MN, BN (Hons) (CUHK); RN, RM, RTN

• Determinants and practice of health behaviours
• Gerontological nursing
• Healthy ageing
• End-of-life care

LI Mei Kuen
PhD (CUHK); MA (Educational Management) (Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education); BChinMed (HKU); BN (La Trobe University); Post-registration Diploma in Health Care Education (Nursing) (PolyU); RCMP, RM, RN

• Chinese medicinal nursing 
• Chinese medicine 
• Nursing education 

LIU Tai Wa
PhD (PolyU); MSc (HKU); MN (CUHK); BN; RN (Psy)

• Cognitive-based intervention
• Stroke rehabilitation
• Psychometric testing

LIU Xianliang, Daniel
PhD (ACU); MD (TJU); MMed (FJTCM); BSc (JGSU); Grad Cert.(University Learning and Teaching) CDU; RN

• Evidence-based practice for long-term conditions care
• Rehabilitation nursing
• Cancer symptom management & supportive care
• Health promotion & self-management
• Complementary therapies in nursing
• Nursing education

LUI Ki, Anthony
PhD (Pharmacology) (State University of New York);  MPhil (Anatomy), BSc(Hons) (Biochemistry) (CUHK)

• Cancer drug identification and development from
traditional Chinese medicine and natural products
• Functional study of oncogenes and tumour suppressors genes in cancer development, progression, and metastasis
• Characterisation of chemotherapy-induced cachexia and potential therapy
• Characterisation of chemotherapy-induced brain damage and potential therapy

MA Haixia, Polly
PhD (PolyU); MPH (CUHK); MB (CDMU); RN

• Mental health
• Sexual health
• Women's health

PANG Ting Kai, Ronald
PhD, MPhil, BSc (HKU)

• Embryo development
• Cancer cell biology
• MicroRNA in cancer and development
• Disease biomarkers
• Proteomics

PhD (RGC Fellow of Hong Kong Polytechnic University); MClinRes; BSN (Hons) (University of Manchester); RN (Singapore); FRSPH (UK); CGNC (International Council for Nurses)

• Striving for better health in minority groups
• Harnessing educational research
• Enhancing population health outcomes in chronic disease management
• Engagement in culturally competent research
• Nurturing partnerships with regional and international nations in promoting health
• Alliance with underserved communities to optimize health capacities

SUN Yuying, Grace
PhD (CUHK); MSc (Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health) (PKU); MB (Preventive Medicine) (HEBMU)

• Population mental health 
• Health education and promotion 
• Community-based engagement research 
• Positive parenting
• Mindfulness-based interventions 

SY Hing Yee, Ivy

• Genomics and precision health
• Microbiome
• Cardiometabolic health
• Food and health

TAM Chun Wai
PhD, MPhil, BSc (HKU)

• Herbal medicine
• Cancer cell biology
• Pedagogical innovations

TANG Wai Ho, Jack
PhD, MPhil, BSc (HKU)

• Platelet and vascular biology
• Metabolic and cardiovascular diseases 
• Application of genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics studies 

TSANG Wai Nam, William
PhD (PolyU); MPhil (CUHK); PgD (Biomechanics) (U of Strathclyde);
Dip (Epidemiology and Applied Statistics) (CUHK); Prof. Dip (Physiotherapy) (PolyU); RPT (HK)

• Global ageing
• Postural control and fall rehabilitation
• Mind-body intervention
• Cancer rehabilitation

TSE Gary
PhD, MD (Cantab); MPH (Manchester); MHM (UNSW); MBBS (Imperial); BA (Cantab); FRCP, FRCPath

• Cardiovascular diseases
• Precision health
• Risk stratification
• Predictive analytics

TSE Mun Yee, Mimi
PhD (HKU); MSc (PHC) (Western Sydney); BAS (N) (Sydney); RN

• Pain management
• Active ageing
• Elderly care
• Online education
• E-health
• Use of technology
• Exercise
• Peer volunteers
• Health promotion

TUNG Ling Ngai, Fabian
PhD (EdUHK); MSN, BSN (PolyU); PRCC (Advanced Medical Nursing) (IANS); RN, APN (Education and Research in Nursing)

• Mindfulness, self-compassion
• Forest Bathing
• Simulation based education

WANG Yanping
PhD (CUHK), BSc (Henan University)

• Traditional Chinese medicine / Herbal medicine
• Metabolic syndrome
• Educational technology in herbal medicine

PhD (LU); MN (CUHK); MSSC (CityU of Hong Kong); BN(Hons) (CUHK); RN (Psy), RTN

• Lifelong learning
• Psychotherapy
• Virtual reality
• Health care delivery models
• Spiritual care

WONG Yee Man, Bonny
PhD (University of Toronto); MPhil, MPH (HKU); MSc (CUHK); BSc(Hons) (HKUST)

• Physical activity and health
• Health behaviours
• Gerontology
• Mobile health
• Cardiometabolic health
• Mental health

WONG Yuen Ha, Janet

• Personalised care
• MHealth
• Women's health
• Health equity
• Violence and abuse

YAM Tsz Ting, Timothy
PhD (HKU); MPT (PolyU); BSc (Kin) (University of Waterloo); RPT (HK & UK)

• Biomechanics
• Gait kinetics and kinematics
• Postural control
• Sports rehabilitation
• Gait rehabilitation

YAU Sui Yu, Ivy
PhD (Monash University); MNurs (HKU), MBA (HSM) (UOB); BNurs(Hons) (HKU); RN

• Social ecology
• Mobile learning
• Physical activity and health
• Active transport

YAU Wing Lung, Simon
PhD (HKU); MPhil, BSc(Hons) (HKUST)

• Cancer cell biology
• Molecular pathology
• VR application in education

ZHANG Wen, Wendy
PhD (HKU); MSc (Nurs), BSc (Nurs) (CSU); RN

• Mental health promotion
• Building resilience in vulnerable groups
• Risky sexual behaviours
• Economic evaluation of healthcare programmes
• Technology-based intervention

ZHANG Xin, Daniel
PhD (CityUHK in collaboration with Cornell University); MB; BA (GMU); Global Clinical Scholars Research Training Program (Harvard Medical School)

• Precision oncology
• Cell biology and molecular genetics related to cancer metastasis and progression
• Biomarkers in cancer diagnostics and prognostics

Modified Date: 26 June, 2024


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