Course Enrolment and Advice on Course Selection

The 2024 Autumn Term will start on 2 September 2024.

In every term during the normative study period, students are required to complete the course enrolment process for this term via MyHKMU (Programme > Classes & Enrolment > Enrolment – UG) according to the guidelines below, if applicable.


Course enrolment shall be performed according to the Advice Sheet on Course Selection HERE. The process includes the following categories:

  1. Pre-assigned courses – The courses that you are pre-assigned by the Schools to take in this Term will be enrolled by the University for you.
  2. General Education (GE) courses and/or other Elective course(s) – These are selective courses that students can choose and enrol directly on MyHKMU.  The number of credits that a student should take GE and/or other Elective course(s) can be found in the Advice Sheet on Course Selection. Only those students who have GE and/or other Elective course(s) stated in the Advice Sheet will be able to perform self-enrolment and Self add/swap on MyHKMU.
  3. Other courses* – Adding of any courses that are not stated in the Advice Sheet will require Schools’ approval, including retake failed courses and extra courses.


* Students who are interested to enroll the course CHIN A206CF / CHIN 2007ACF Practical Cantonese in Daily Life should submit application via Qualtrics (Single Sign-on required) between 26 August 2024 (10:00 a.m.) to 13 September 2024 (5:00 p.m.), the course enrolment will be processing on a rolling-basis. Please note that extra tuition fees of two credits would be charged for students enrolled this course. For more details on the course, please refer to the A&SS webpage.

Teaching and Learning Arrangements for the 2023 Autumn Term

All lectures and tutorials will be delivered face-to-face. Recordings of the lectures will be made available online. Laboratory sessions and practicums will also be delivered be face-to-face, details to be announced by individual Schools.  Students who cannot come to campus for legitimate reasons could make a request to their Schools for arrangement of online tutorial option. Please refer to Announcement on Update of Teaching and Learning Arrangements (circular 72) for details.

Please access the Online Learning Environment (OLE) regularly to get the updated course information and announcement. 

Normal Study Load

An undergraduate student admitted via Year 1 entry in or before the 2022/23AY and senior year entry shall normally take 20 credits of courses in an academic term or 40 credits in an academic year unless your programme prescribes otherwise. An undergraduate student admitted via Year 1 entry starting from 2023/24AY (except N&HS) shall normally take 15 credit-units of courses in an academic term or 30 credit-units in an academic year unless your programme prescribes otherwise.

Class Schedule

After courses are enrolled (pre-assigned or self-enrolled), you may later check your class schedule and course enrolment records for this term via MyHKMU. Classes are held from Monday to Saturday. 

Eligibility for Enrolment in Autumn Term

In Autumn Terms, course enrolment would only be arranged if tuition fees payments have been posted and your eligibility status is updated in the system, which would usually take a few working days after making the payments. You are advised to pay the tuition fees in a timely manner.

Pre-assigned course enrolment would be arranged as soon as your eligibility status is updated. For self-enroll courses during online course selection, please note that if your eligibility status could not be updated on or before 20 August 2024 noon, you would not be arranged to participate in the online course selection before the term. In such case, you should self-enroll courses during the online course selection continued in the add/drop period during the first two weeks of the term.

Course enrolment timeline

You can perform the following types of course enrolment for this term via MyHKMU > Programme > Classes & Enrolment > Enrolment – UG, as detailed below.

Before the commencement of Term
23 August 2024 onwards
(A) Pre-assigned courses
Check the pre-assigned course enrolment records
• The checking of enrollment records on MyHKMU should be based on the Advice Sheet on Course Selection HERE.

26 – 27 August 2024
(B) Elective Course(s)
Self-enrol your Elective course(s)
• Year 3 & 4: From 26 August (10:00 a.m.) to 27 August (5:00 p.m.) 2024

• Year 2: From 26 August (2:30 p.m.) to 27 August (5:00 p.m.) 2024

• Year 1: 27 August 2024 (10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)

Functions to be used on MyHKMU:

• ‘Add Course Enrolment’: To self-enrol in a course

• ‘Swap Class / Course’: To swap from enrolled courses to other ones

28 August 2024
(B) General Education (GE) Courses Selection
Self-enrol your GE course(s) and/or other Elective course(s)
• Year 3 & 4: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 n.n.

• Year 2: 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

• Year 1: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Functions to be used on MyHKMU:

• ‘Add Course Enrolment’: To self-enroll in a course

• ‘Swap Class / Course’: To swap from enrolled courses to other ones

Course Add/Drop Period (Week 1 and 2 of the Term)
2 – 13 September 2024
(B) GE courses /or Other Elective course(s)
• To self-add of GE courses and/or Other Elective course(s)

• To swap from one course to another in the same category of GE and/or Other Elective course(s)
• All academic levels:
From 2 September (10:00 a.m.) to 13 September 2024 (5:00 p.m.)

• Functions to be used on MyHKMU‘Add Course Enrolment’: To self-enrol course(s)

‘Swap Class / Course’ If you have enrolled GE / and other Elective courses and want to swap to another courses
(C) Other courses
• Adding courses not listed on the Advice Sheet, including

• extra courses

• retake course(s) with result ‘Fail’ grade

• course(s) not pre-assigned in this term

• Dropping enrolled courses

• All academic levels:

From 2 September (10:00 a.m.) to 13 September 2024 (5:00 p.m.)

• Function to be used on MyHKMU

‘Application for Add/Drop’

– Students should check the application results by checking ‘Academic Record’ and ‘Class Schedule’ on MyHKMU within the add/drop period.

• Any discrepancies should be reported to the UG Enrolment Team by email.
After Course Add/Drop Period
27 September 2024
Check the final enrolment records after add/drop Period
• Students should check the enrolment record by checking ‘Academic Record’ and ‘Class Schedule’ on MyHKMU, and make sure the records are accurate.

• Any discrepancies should be reported to the UG Enrolment Team by email.

* Students who are interested to enroll the course CHIN A206CF Practical Cantonese in Daily Life could self-enroll during the online course selection period, except N&HS students who should consult the Programme Leader. Moreover, please note that extra tuition fees of two credits would be charged for students enrolled this course. For more details on the course, please refer to the A&SS webpage.

Information to Facilitate Your Course/Class Selection
For Programmes with Self-enroll Course in this term

You can select the core course(s), elective course(s), GE course(s) and/or English Language Enhancement course(s) you are assigned to self-enroll during the above specified time period. You can also swap the class section(s) of these courses via MyHKMU.


Should you have any questions, please contact the Enrolment Team (Undergraduate) of Registry

(Tel: 2768-6704; Email:


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